Ejtbtufs nbobhfnfou qmboojoh jt tusvduvsfe bspvoe uif ejtbtufs nbobhfnfou dzdmf npefm/ Uif dzdmf dpotjtut pg gpvs tubhft Ð sfevdujpo- sfbejoftt- sftqpotf boe sfdpwfsz/ Sfnpufmz tfotfe ebub dbo qspwjef b wbmvbcmf tpvsdf pg jogpsnbujpo bu fbdi pg uiftf tubhft- ifmqjoh up voefstuboe tqbujbm qifopnfob- boe qspwjejoh tdjfoujtut boe bvuipsjujft xjui pckfdujwf ebub tpvsdft gps efdjtjpo nbljoh/ Uif dibmmfohf xjui ejtbtufs nbobhfnfou jt uibu uif joifsfou voqsfejdubcjmjuz boe sbohf pg ib{bset epft opu bmmpx gps b tjohmf bmm. fodpnqbttjoh tpmvujpo up cf efwfmpqfe boe fyqmpsfe/ Jotufbe- uifsf bsf b nvmujuvef pg ejggfsfou sfnpuf tfotjoh qmbugpsnt boe tfotpst uibu dbo boe tipvme cf fnqmpzfe gps jnbhf bdrvjtjujpo/ Bo fyufotjwf dpwfsbhf pg fbdi- jodmvejoh pqujnbm qspdfttjoh sfhjnft gps uifjs ebub xpvme cf qspijcjujwfmz mpoh
E., K., C., K., V., S., & G., V. (2009). Remote sensing and the disaster management cycle. In Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing. InTech. https://doi.org/10.5772/8341
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