This entry looks at a review of seismic-resistant codes for each country in the world by examining the historical changes of codes from 1900 to 2013, the years in which updates were made, the number of buildings these codes influence, and a review of the code quality itself with respect to the hazard of that country. Over 160 countries and nations have some form of seismic code. However, the quality, extent of application, and methodologies between seismic-resistant codes differ around the world. An exploration of the location of each of these code changes, in terms of when they have been implemented, to what extent they have been implemented, and which percentage of buildings they encompass, has been undertaken.
Daniell, J. E. (2015). Global View of Seismic Code and Building Practice Factors. In Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering (pp. 1–12). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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