The development of lightweight a nd multifunctional curta in wa ll systems, which integra te different technological solutions, is a imed at a chieving increa singly higher requirements rela ted to energy efficiency a s well a s indoor environmental quality in nonresidentia l buildings. On one ha nd lightweight a nd thin fa çade elements present several a dvantages (such a s construction time, space, a nd transportation savings, less weight on primary structure etc.), while fa cing the cha llenge of gua ranteeing the required thermal a nd a coustic performance and achieving legisla tive compliance on the other. In the framework of the Horizon 2020 Project Powerskin+ a new concept of multifunctional fa çade, which combines high performance insulation, energy harvesting, heating system, a nd la tent heat storage capabilities is under development. Within the design process of the different sub -modules (opaque and tra nsparent), performance calculations a re carried out by means of existing simulation tools, or a d-hoc developed models for more complex systems. In this study, the authors present the main steps required to a ccelerate the simula tion-based design process a nd the future thermal and a coustic optimization of the novel lightweight a nd multifunctional façade element.
Fantucci, S., Favoino, F., Fenoglio, E., Serra, V., Perino, M., Shtrepi, L., … Astolfi, A. (2021). Development of advanced multifunctional façade systems: Thermo-acoustic modelling and performance. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2069). Institute of Physics.
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