Aim: This study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of the Team Approach Assessment Scale (TAAS), which assesses a team approach based on individual perceptions, to develop a revised version (TAAS- Revised Edition) using an interdisciplinary team. Method: An anonymous, cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted using TAAS on medical professionals at three general hospitals in prefecture A. The alpha coefficient was calculated for the scale’s reliability, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted for validity. This study was carried out after being approved by research ethics reviews at the facility to which the researcher belongs and cooperating research facilities. Results: There were 789 valid responses with a response rate of 27.1%. The EFA results yielded a 5-factor structure with 22 items using the maximum likelihood method and promax rotation. The factors of TAAS-R changed from four to five. There were nine items for “team functions,” five items for “contributions to team,” three items for “importance of team activities,” three items for “team member role performance,” and two items for “clarification of goals and roles.” The alpha coefficient for the overall scale was 0.93, while the scope of each factor had a range of 0.68–0.91. Conclusion: This study almost confirmed the reliability and validity of the resulting TAASRevised Edition with a 22-item, 5 factor structure. 目的:学際的チームを基盤とし,個人の認識からチームアプローチを評価するチームアプローチ評価 尺度(TAAS)の信頼性と妥当性を検討し,TAAS 改訂版(TAAS-Revised Edition)を開発する. 方法:A 県の総合病院3 施設の医療専門職を対象にTAAS を用いて無記名質問紙横断調査を行った.信 頼性はα 係数の算出,妥当性は探索的因子分析にて検討した.研究倫理審査委員会の承認を得て行った. 結果:回収率27.1%,有効回答は789 部だった.探索的因子分析は最尤法のプロマックス回転により, 22 項目となり,TAAS の4 因子から5 因子構造(チームの機能,チームへの貢献,チーム活動の重要性, チームメンバーの役割遂行,目標と役割の明確化)となった.尺度全体のα 係数は .93 であり,各因子 は .68~.91 の範囲だった. 結論:TAAS 改訂版は,概ね信頼性と妥当性は確保された.
Iioka, Y., & Kamei, T. (2021). Developing a Revised Version of the Team Approach Assessment Scale (TAAS-R)—Examining Reliability and Validity—. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 41(0), 114–121.
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