A t \w-termin a l ciielectri c specim en ho lder has bee n co nstru cted and used Lo make dielectric CO[lstant and loss mefl surements o n a sin gle disk s pecim en at room Le mpemture o,'er a fr eq uen cy range from 10-2 Lo 6 X 10 8 lIz. The m eas urement procedures are ouLl ined an d a detai led analysis of Lhe workin g equ aL ions a nd measurement errors is prese nted. 1. Introduction It is often important for the study o(dielectric properties that measurements be made on a single specimen using n, minimum amount of th e materi al over as wide II, range of temperatures and fr equencies as possible. Low-frequency m easur ements can con-veniently be m ade on a single disk-shaped specimen, but at higlwr frequencics conyentional equipment requires the use of cylindrical or r ectangular speci-mens of YIl,rious sizes to fit d iffer ent microwa\"e guides and ca\"ities . If the dielectric properties of <1, material are sensitive to differences in specimen preparation, then th e use of different specimens to cover the desired frequency range could lead to results which seriously misrepresent t he frequency dependence of the dielectric constant and loss even t hough th e indiyidual measurements may t hemselves be quite accurate. The two-tcrminal parall el-plate dielClctric speci-m en holder described in t his p apcr was dcsigned to make measurements on sin gle disk-shaped specimcns (about 1 to 2 g of mn,terial) o\"cr as wide a range o(freq uencies as possi ble. }\I[inim.um specim.en and holder size togeth er with simplicity of co ns truction and operation have b een emphasized in order that the cell could easily b e fit ted with an insulating jacket and operated at temper atures from -200 to + 200 °e. The variable temperature operation of
Broadhurst, M. G., & Bur, A. J. (1965). Two-terminal dielectric measurements up to 6 x 108 Hz. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Section C: Engineering and Instrumentation, 69C(3), 165. https://doi.org/10.6028/jres.069c.019
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