Main mycotoxin concerns in Europe: MYCORED and ISM efforts to harmonize strategies for their reduction in food and feed chain

  • Faneli F
  • Logrieko F
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There is an urgent need to study in Europe the plant exposure to mycotoxin risk due to the identification of new toxigenic species, the continuous evolution of species profile on the food crops and climate changes that influence the quality of level of toxigenic fungi colonization of plant hosts. In particular, Fusarium and Aspergillus problem in Europe has enormous importance; recent epidemics in wheat in some areas of Northern and Central Europe and in grape in southern Europe have brought this problem into focus again. This concern has driven many efforts at EU level aimed to harmonize strategies for mycotoxinreduction in food and feed chain. This is the target of a large collaborative project of four-year duration (MYCORED as acronym), that was approved within the European FP7- Food, Agriculture, and Biotechnologies Work Programmes ( MYCORED aims to develop strategic solutions for reducing mycotoxin contamination in major crops. Novel methodologies, efficient handling procedures and information/dissemination, and educational strategies are considered in a context of multidisciplinary integration of know-how and technology to reduce mycotoxin exposure worldwide. The direct involvement of ICPC countries (Argentina, Egypt, Russia, South Africa) and international organizations (CIMMYT, IITA) together with strong scientific alliances with international experts and national and international societies for mycotoxicology is a strong point of the project through sharing experiences and resources from several past/ongoing mycotoxin projects in a global context. Similarly, the International Society for Mycotoxicology (ISM) (http://www.mycotoxsociety. org) aims at increasing scientific knowledge concerning biology, chemistry and any sciences/disciplines related to mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi, through membership networking, scientific meetings, symposia, discussions, technical courses and publications. In this context, it would be extremely important that MYCORED and ISM develop a network of cooperation-interaction with the whole scientific community in order to contribute to the efforts for harmonizing both research and legislation on mycotoxins.U Evropi se pojavila preka potreba za izucavanjem i pracenjem izlozenosti biljaka riziku od kontaminacije mikotoskinima zbog pojave novih toksigenih vrsta plesni, konstantne promene njihovog profila u usevima i uticaja klimatskih promena na nivo kolonizacije biljaka plesnima. U skorije vreme izuzetno velike probleme su izazvale Fusarium i Aspergillus vrste u Evropi, gde skorasnja epidemija na psenici u nekim delovima Severne i Centralne Evrope i na grozdju u Juznoj Evropi ukazuju na ovu problematiku. Na nivou Evropske unije ulazu se veliki napori ka resavanju problema vezanih za redukciju mikotoksina (mycotoxinreduction) u lancu ishrane. Ovo je ujedno i cilj velike saradnje u okviru cetvorogodisnjeg projekta, MYCORED kao akronim, koji je odobren od strane evropskog FP7 - ?Hrana, Poljoprivreda i Biotehnologije? radnog programa ( MYCORED ima nameru da razvije strategijska resenja za smanjenje kontaminacije vecine useva mikotoksinima. Nove metodologije, efikasno upravljanje procesima, informacijama / disiminacija podataka i strategije obrazovanja se izucavaju u kontekstu multidisciplinarne integracije iskustva i tehnologije, u cilju smanjenja izlozenosti mikotoksinima sirom sveta. Direktan angazman ICPC zemalja (Argentina, Egipat, Rusija i Juzna Afrika) i internacionalnih organizacija (CIMMYT, IITA), zajedno sa snaznom naucnom podrskom internacionalnih eksperata i internacionalnih udruzenja za mikotoksikologiju, je oslonac ovog projekta jer dolazi do razmene iskustava i sredstava dobijenih u okviru zavrsenih i aktuelnih projekata na globalnom nivou. Internacionalno udruzenje za Mikotoksikologiju (ISM) (http://www., slicno kao i navedeni projekti, ima za cilj povecanje naucnih saznanja iz biologije, hemije i drugih naucnih disciplina koje su vezane i za mikotoksine i toksigene plesni, putem umrezavanja clanova, naucnih skupova, simpozijuma, diskusija, strucnih kurseva i publikacija. U skladu sa dosad navedenim, od izuzetne je vaznosti da MYCORED i ISM razviju mrezu saradnje-interakcije sa celokupnom naucnom zajednicom u cilju uskladjivanja istrazivanja i zakonodavstva vezanih za mikotoskine.




Faneli, F., & Logrieko, F. (2012). Main mycotoxin concerns in Europe: MYCORED and ISM efforts to harmonize strategies for their reduction in food and feed chain. Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, (122), 7–16.

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