Finger millet was grown under three year old Melia azedarach in red sandy loam soil with different management options viz., application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1, 100% RDF (40:20:20 NPK kg ha-1) alone, and in conjunction with 75% RD N with 25% N through FYM, Vermicompost, Poultry manure; also with biofertilizers @ 5 kg ha-1Azospirillum and PSB along with finger millet alone as sole cropping with 100% RDF.The highest grain (2681 kg ha-1) and straw yield (5063 kg ha-1) resulted with sole crop on par with 75% RD N + 25% N poultry manure (2405 and 4733 kg ha-1) and 100% RDF (2393 and 4745 kg ha-1). The lowest grain (1583 kg ha-1) and straw yield (3402 kg ha-1) was found with control FYM @ 10 t ha-1 i.e., farmers practice. Gross monetary returns ( 42,747 ha-1), net monetary returns ( 26,987 ha- 1) and B:C ratio (2.71) were highest with sole crop followed by 100% RDF and 75% RD N + 25% N poultry manure compared to other treatment combinations. Among nutrient management practices tested, 75% RD N + 25% N poultry manure and 100% RDF in agri-silvi culture system was better for realizing higher grain yield, straw yield and economic returns apart from sustaining better soil nutrient status on sandy loam soils of Southern Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh.
Pallavi, Ch., Joseph, B., Aariff Khan, M. A., & Hemalatha, S. (2016). Economic Evaluation of Finger Millet under different Nutrient Management Practices. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 5(8), 690–698.
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