R-site cation randomness effect in the A-site ordered Y 0.5 La 0.5 BaMn 2 O 6 compound To cite this article: Gao Qing-Qing et al 2013 Chinese Phys. B 22 077502 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Structures and properties of RBaMn2O6/R0.5Ba0.5MnO3 Yutaka Ueda and Tomohiko Nakajima -Switchable Ferroelectric Diode Effect and Piezoelectric Properties of Bi 0.9 La 0.1 FeO 3 Ceramics Gong Yu-Fei, Wu Ping, Liu Wei-Fang et al. -Magnetic and transport properties of Dy substituted layered perovskite La 1.3 Sr 1.7 Mn 2 O 7 Zheng Lin, Lu Yi, Zhao Jian-Jun et al. -This content was downloaded from IP address on 05/04/2018 at 02:22 The R/Ba-ordered and R-site mixed compound Y 0.5 La 0.5 BaMn 2 O 6 is synthesized, in which (Y, La) and Ba are reg-ularly arranged, while Y and La randomly occupy the R-site. Y 0.5 La 0.5 BaMn 2 O 6 has a tetragonal unit cell with a space group of P4/mmm. A structural transition between tetragonal and orthorhombic is observed at about 325 K by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). Thermal magnetic measurement shows the occurrence of an antiferromagnetic transition at the temperature T N ∼ 190 K. Anomalies in magnetization, resistivity and lattice parameters observed around 340 K indicate a charge/orbital order transition accompanying the structural phase transition. The R-site randomness effect is discussed to interpret the different properties of Y 0.5 La 0.5 BaMn 2 O 6 between NdBaMn 2 O 6 and SmBaMn 2 O 6 .
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