AbstrakCooperatives (Koperasi) as a nature of business culture based on the conceptof Indonesian society of mutual 'gotong royong' presence is still needed forthe recent and imminent. Basic rules governing the cooperatives createdduring more than 10 years ago, although its execu1ive regulations made aftermuch until now. The concept of law as the basis of the Cooperative Law of1992 has much to be updated if the Indonesia cooperative as one of theenterprises is still expected to compete with other business entities inIndonesia and the international sphere. Some description has been offeredin this article, shows that still so many things that are conceptually still needmore studies in considering the existence of Act No.25 of 1992 onCooperatives has lasted for about 18 years. Although government has issuedimplementing regulations and implementation of various rules, but as longas the basic provisions of the Law has not been a4justed to the wishes of thechanges in the economy generally and the provisions of the particularbusiness entity, the cooperative movement as a business entity is stillinsuffiCient and its existence cannot be thought to stand in line with otherbusiness entities either in Indonesia or, international community.
Rosana, M. (2009). KONSEP HUKUM KOPERASI MODERN BAGl KOPERASI SEBAGAI ORGANISASI PERUSAHAAN BERSTATUS BADAN HUKUM SEMPURNA. Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 201. https://doi.org/10.21143/jhp.vol0.no0.193
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