Background and challenges to implementation: The Ghana's Public Health Act 851 of 2012 of which part six is dedicated to demonstrate commitment towards the domestication of the WHO-FCTC. Progress has been made towards the reduction of the NCDs burden by enacting laws and further recognizing its implementation in Ghana's development plan. To operationalize the Tobacco Control (TC) Measures, there was the need for the adoption of the TC Regulations. This will provide details on how to effectively implement the Law. Policy makers and enforcement agencies were not able to effectively implement key provisions such the ban on smoking in public places, registration of retailers, implementing Graphic Health Warnings, etc. due to lack of TC Regulations. The tobacco industry (TI) interferences delayed the adoption of the regulations. Intervention or response: Strategic meetings with Civil Society Organisations were held. Community member were engaged and mobilize to pressure government to adopt the Tobacco Control Regulations. The media/social media were used to generate discussions and drew government attention on the delay and exposed the TI. There were courtesy calls to Parliament, WHO Ghana to intervene. Participants at public forum demanded reasons for the delay. Campaign materials advocating for the adoption were circulated to the public. VALD supported the development of a draft TC Regulations. Results and lessons learnt: The programmes caught the attention of the government and policy makers which led to the submission of the draft Tobacco Control Regulations to Parliament and the Tobacco Control Regulation 2247 was adopted and passed into law on 4th January, 2017. Conclusions and key recommendations: The Tobacco Control Regulations LI 2247 has outlined specifics implementation laws on the ban on Smoking, No-Smoking warning signs and Graphic Health Warnings. Ban on advertisement and promotion, and prohibition of tobacco industry interference. Regulation 2247 will empower Food and Drugs Authority to enforce the tobacco law and achieve the Health Goals of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Ali, I. (2018). Adoption of the Tobacco Control Regulations - Legislative Instrument (LI) 2247 to reduce the burden of NCDs and to advance WHO FCTC implementation in Ghana. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 16(1).
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