This research concerns on the manufacture of KUBUKATEBU particle board from a mixture of cacao peels and bagasse, with variations in the length of the bagasse fibers and the particle size of cacao peels in terms of their physical and thermal properties. The measured parameters were water content, density, water absorption, and thermal conductivity. This particle board was made with 5 variations of cacao peels powder, the ones that could get through the sifter namely 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mesh (149, 177, 250, 400, and 841 μm), and 5 variations of bagasse fiber length, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm. The composition of cacao peels and bagasse fibers were 50:50 and 16% isocyanate adhesive content. The obtained physical properties of particle board variations in particle size of cacao peels were water content values 9.27-13.05%, densities 0.89-1.23 g/cm3, water absorption 11.11-52.28%, and properties thermal conductivity 7.26×10-3-9.0×10-3 W/m°C. As for the particle board variation of bagasse fiber length variation, the obtained values were 0.100-0.135% for water content, 0.9-1.30 g/cm3 for density, 0.2-0.6% for water absorption, and 6.5x10-3-8.5×10-3 W/m°C for thermal conductivity properties. Hence, the produced physical properties of KUBUKATEBU particle board had achieved the standards set by SNI 03-2105-2006, and JIS A 5908 (2003), on the contrary to the thermal conductivity properties.
Hidayati, R., Salamah, U., Suryani, R., Sumiati, R., & Yetri, Y. (2021). Synthesis and Characterizations of Kubukatebu Particle Board from Cacao Peels and Bagasse. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1788). IOP Publishing Ltd.
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