Novel design and analysis of free electric 2.2 machine

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As per the data provided by the governments of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Assam, 82.84 per cent, 72.97 percent and 62.93 percent of their rural households, respectively, are still without any access to electricity. Every Machine to perform its function needs electricity, therefore electricity is the basic backbone which is needed to drive even a small machine. It has become a necessary piece of development that has led to the rise of other development.500 million people are still left without electricity. This paper aims at designing a machine which will use electro-mechanical energy of the body to generate free electricity for the basic needs and is eco-friendly will not cause any kind of pollution. The Free Electric 2.0 machine is created, which works on a normal and simple principle of an electrical dynamo. The basic idea is, whenever the machine is paddled, it results in rotation of a free wheel. The free wheel is connected to a shaft and the shaft is connected to another free wheel on the other side. This free wheel is connected to a wheel which is connected to generator. Power thus produced is stored in a battery and can be used for the basic necessities like lightning bulbs, fan and charging mobiles. The major necessity of this type of machine are in places which are very hostile or places which doesn’t have a power grid line setup. It can also be used in places which are prone to disaster. Having this device at our homes will provide electricity for at least the basic necessities.




Usha, S., Geetha, A., Thamizh Thentral, T. M., Subramani, C., & Dubey, P. M. (2019). Novel design and analysis of free electric 2.2 machine. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 3770–3776.

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