Pendidikan Konservasi Melalui Budaya Patorani Berdasarkan Sudut Pandang Ilmu Geografi

  • Hasriyanti
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Abstrak: Konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya berkaitan erat dengan tercapainya sasaran yakni menjamin terpeliharanya proses ekologis yang menunjang sistem penyangga kehidupan bagi kelangsungan pembangunan dan kesejahteraan manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan tinjauan literatur dan dokumen. Data dianalisis melalui proses reduksi data, display, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk konservasi nelayan patorani yakni bentuk konservasi melalui pengetahuan, konservasi melalui alat tangkap, konservasi melalui teknik penangkapan, konservasi melalui ritual keagamaan dan kepercayaan, dan konservasi melalui kasipalli (pantangan). Nelayan patorani tidak lagi sepenuhnya dikontrol oleh lingkungan, tetapi mereka berperan besar menentukan bentuk kegiatan di lingkungan laut (geographical possibilism and probabilism) yang kemudia dikenal dengan pendekatan ekologi (ecological approach). Pendekatan tersebut tepat dalam mengkaji tentang konservasi sumberdaya perikanan di Kecamatan Galesong. Kata kunci: pendidikan konservasi, budaya patorani, sudut pandang geografi Abstract: Conservation of natural resources and ecosystems are closely related with the achievement of the target is to ensure the preservation ecological processes which support life support systems for sustainable development and human well-being. This study used descriptive qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. The collection of data are observation, interviews and review of the literature as well as documents. Data were analyzed through the process of data reduction, data display, and data verification. Results of the study showed that the form of conservation fishing patorani namely the nature conservation through knowledge, through the conservation of fishing gear, conservation through fishing techniques, conservation through religious rituals and beliefs, and conservation through kasipalli (abstinence). Fishermen patorani no longer fully controlled by the environment, but they play a major role determining the shape of activities in the marine environment (geographical possibilism and probabilism) later known as the ecological approach (ecological approach). The approach was right in assessing conservation fishery resources in District Galesong. Keywords: education of conservation, patorani’s culture, viewpoint geography




Hasriyanti. (2022). Pendidikan Konservasi Melalui Budaya Patorani Berdasarkan Sudut Pandang Ilmu Geografi. JPIG (Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Ilmu Geografi), 7(1), 11–21.

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