Engrossing Prosecution of Code Smells Type Identification and Rectification using Machine Learning AdaBoost Classifier

  • Sangeetha* M
  • et al.
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Software code smells are the structural features which reside in a software source code. Code smell detection is an established method to discover the problems in source code and reorganize the inner structure of object-oriented software for improving the quality of such software, particularly in terms of maintainability, reusability and cost minimization. The developer identified where the code smell is identified and rectified within a system is a major challenging issue. The various code smell detection technique has been designed but it failed to classify the code type and minimum rectification cost. In order to perform classification with minimum cost, an efficient technique called Machine Learning Ada-Boost Classifier (MLABC) technique is introduced. The MLABC technique improves the software quality by identifying and rectifying the different types of software code smell in source code. Initially, MLABC technique uses decision tree as base classifier to identify the code smell type. The decision tree is used to classify the code smell type based on the certain rule. After that, the base classifiers are combined to make a strong classifier using adaboost machine learning technique. The output of strong classifier is used to identify the code smell type. Finally, the code smell type rectification is performed by applying the refactoring technique where the code smell is identified with minimum cost and space complexity. Experimental results shows that the proposed MLABC technique improves the software code quality in terms of code smell type identification accuracy, false positive rate, code smell type rectification cost and space complexity with the source code.




Sangeetha*, M., & Chandrasekar, Dr. C. (2020). Engrossing Prosecution of Code Smells Type Identification and Rectification using Machine Learning AdaBoost Classifier. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(4), 624–631. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.d1331.029420

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