The Role of the Educational Community in Developing Kazakhstan’s Higher Education Sector: Autonomy, Self-Organisation, and Capacity to Influence Policy

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The chapter provides an overview of the current state of affairs in education in Kazakhstan. Based on fieldwork, it presents three case examples of faculty associations in the nation, providing an overview of their attainments in initiating changes, and their potential to influence reform in, higher education. The chapter further examines the barriers that faculty associations encounter in their attempts to engage with policymakers and contribute to policy and governance initiatives. The chapter argues that the state’s command-and-control methods of educational governance often miss their targets; and that this could be addressed by providing more autonomy to faculty associations, and enhancing their capacity to influence policy. Despite difficulties, these associations have demonstrated strong motivation, inventiveness, and the ability to self-organise. Moreover, they can help to transform Kazakhstan’s higher education system. The chapter argues that capacity-building within faculty associations would proceed more effectively if state agencies themselves improve their capacity to engage with stakeholders and become better institutional partners.




Soltys, D., & Bizhanova, A. (2020). The Role of the Educational Community in Developing Kazakhstan’s Higher Education Sector: Autonomy, Self-Organisation, and Capacity to Influence Policy. In Kazakhstan’s Developmental Journey: Entrenched Paradigms, Achievements, and the Challenge of Global Competitiveness (pp. 91–128). Springer Singapore.

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