Coffee is the second most popular beverage in the world after water with a consumption of approximately two billion cups per day. Due to its low cost and ease of preparation, it is consumed in almost all countries and by all social classes of the population through different modes of preparation. Despites its simple appearance, a cup of coffee is in fact a complex mixture that contains hundreds of molecules, the composition and concentration of which vary widely and depend on factors including the origin of the coffee tree or its metabolism. Although an excessive consumption of coffee can be harmful, many molecules that are present in this black decoction exert anticancer properties. This review aims to describe the different primary coffee-containing substances that exert chemopreventive and bioactive activities against the different hallmarks and enabling characteristics of cancer, thus explaining the anticancer health benefit of black coffee.
Gaascht, F., Dicato, M., & Diederich, M. (2015, November 1). Coffee provides a natural multitarget pharmacopeia against the hallmarks of cancer. Genes and Nutrition. Springer Verlag.
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