ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the benefits of soybean husk and onggok fermented rhizopus sp in feed merino sheep concentrate of body weight gain and feed intake. Materials used in the study is as much as 12 merino sheep and the methods used by the randomized trial (RAK) using the PO as controls (100% concentrate); P1 (AOT concentrate 90% + 10%); P2 (AOT concentrate 80% + 20%); P3 (AOT Concentrate 70% + 30%). The results of the study with 30% of AOT gift giving weight increase of 25.3 g / tail significantly different (F count> F table) and feed consumption P0 :. 215, 27g / tail, P1 : 203, 13g / eco, P2: 219,24g / tail, P3: 190.72 not significantly different (F arithmetic F tabel) dan pakan P0 konsumsi:. 215, 27g / ekor, P1: 203, 13 g / eco, P2: 219,24g / ekor, P3: 190,72 tidak berbeda nyata (F hitung
Evavianto, D. F., Hadiyani, D. P. A., & Susanto, W. E. (2018). Pengaruh pemanfaatan ampas kedelai dan onggok terfermentasi rhizopus sp dalam konsentrat domba Merino terhadap pertambahan bobot badan dan konsumsi pakan. Jurnal Sains Peternakan, 6(2), 34–41. https://doi.org/10.21067/jsp.v6i2.2887
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