The definition of entrepreneurship transcends multi disciplines and not only limited to the profit-making business entities. Within the teachers’ education field, entrepreneurship is viewed as a critical component in the process of preparing the competent and skilled teachers in handling the present challenging education environment. This research intends to develop the instrument which can be used in the assessment of the students of Institute of Teachers Education Malaysia towards the identification of their entrepreneurship traits. The domains of entrepreneurship will be explored through the relevant literature review and the expert’s opinion as well. In this research, the expert’s opinion using four rounds of Delphi Technique is employed to determine and verify the suitability of the elements of entrepreneurship with the teacher’s education. The panel of experts selected in the Delphi Technique consists of the practicing entrepreneurs and experts from various public higher learning institutions. There will be twelve experienced expert panels both from the entrepreneurship and teachers education involved in this research activity. The instrument (measurement model) will be developed based on the entrepreneurship elements which have been initially designed. Statistical analysis, structural equation modelling using Confirmatory Factor Analysis will be used to test, modify and to confirm the suitability of the items towards the construct/entrepreneurship elements and fit of the model simultaneously.
Ispal, M., & Jabor, M. (2014). Entrepreneurial Measurement Modelfor Teacher Education. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME), 4(5), 21–25.
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