Interactive model tool about center of mass during COVID-19 pandemic: A new learning path in STEM for K-12 Education

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The pandemic caused by Sars-CoV-2 resulted in a period of physical distance and school closures. This motivated us to elaborate on some physical and psychological harm reduction plan for the students. A challenge was proposed to K12 students from Public Schools of the Recife City: physical exercises in which the students could learn playfully and experientially a concept of Natural Sciences. The chosen concept was the 'center of mass' because it is a biometric, dynamic, and contextual variable linked to body movement, which could be experienced in the quarantine period. The objectives of this work were: (i) to propose a challenge through the physical exercise to K-12 students (jumping jacks), which implies the study of 'center of mass' (COM) concept, (ii) to quantify the dependent variable COM and to relate with independent variables (e.g. body mass index), (iii) to build a learning object 'Interactive Model' from the data obtained, (iv) to evaluate the didactic process. The objectives proposed were successfully implemented. The Interactive Model: 'Change your Center of Mass!' was built and evaluated by teachers of Public Schools (Brazil), who highlighted its potential (impact, complexity, applicability, innovation) suggesting the model to the educational system.




Santana, O. A., Braga, G. D., Braga, J. O. D. S., & Carvalho, H. (2020). Interactive model tool about center of mass during COVID-19 pandemic: A new learning path in STEM for K-12 Education. In Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering, TALE 2020 (pp. 503–508). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

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