ABSTRAK Divisi PT Telkomsel Branch Ambon bergerilya di lapangan untuk mempromosikan product knowledge yaitu divisi broadband and digital sales. Divisi tersebut memiliki tugas utama untuk memantau penjualan serta pembelian produk M-KIOS data dan paket internet. Penyelia divisi broadband and digital sales dituntut memiliki keterampilan komunikasi organisasi agar teamwork bersama para staf divisi tersebut menjadi solid. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah studi kasus selama satu bulan (Juni-Juli 2015) dengan melakukan observasi lapangan serta mewawancarai penyelia Divisi Broadband and Digital Sales PT Telkomsel Branch Ambon, Bapak Victor Kwando. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan mengusung spirit the Telkomsel way, penyelia berhasil mentrasfer pesan filosofis teamwork kepada para staf dengan menggunakan komunikasi terbuka atasan-bawahan. Penyelia divisi broadband and digital sales membentuk keterbukaan komunikasi dalam struktur formal dan informal keorganisasian. Keterbukaan ini membuahkan kepercayaan bagi keefektifan komunikasi organisasi dalam meminimalkan kesalahpahaman di antara semua anggota staf divisi broadband and digital sales. Kata Kunci: penyelia divisi, komunikasi organisasi, Teamwork ABSTRACT PT Telkomsel Division of Ambon Branch working hand in hand in the field to promote a kroduct nowledge of Telkomsel, i.e. Broadband and Digital Sales Division. The division has a major task in monitoring the sale and purchase of products M-KIOSK Data and Internet package. The supervisors of Broadbad and Digital Sales Division is demanded to have an organizational communication skill to create the solidity of teamwork staff in this division. The research method is a descriptive case study. It has run for one month (June-July 2015) using the method of observation and interview with the Broadband and Digital Sales Supervisor, Mr. Victor Kwando. The results show that by carrying the spirit of The Telkomsel Way, the supervisors can be very successful in transferring teamwork philosophical message to the staff by using open communication between supervisors and staff. The supervisors of Broadband and Digital Sales have established an open communication within formal and informal organizational structure. This openness leads to credence to the effectiveness of organizational communication in minimizing misunderstandings among all staff members of Broadband and Digital Sales Division.
Supratman, L. P., & Zulfikar, M. H. (2016). STUDI KASUS TENTANG MODEL KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI PENYELIA DALAM MEMBANGUN TEAMWORK DI DIVISI BROADBAND & DIGITAL SALES PT TELKOMSEL BRANCH AMBON, INDONESIA. Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 15(2), 213–220. https://doi.org/10.5614/sostek.itbj.2016.15.02.4
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