Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works

  • Z. A
  • O. C
  • P. O
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Concerning educational tasks, the interaction allowed by three-dimensional (3D) geometricmodels could bring an end to passive learner attitudes which are often found in traditionalacademic teaching situations. In addition, Virtual Reality (VR) technology could be appliedas a complement to 3D modelling, leading to better communication between the variousstakeholders in the process, whether in training, in education or in professional practice.This role is particularly relevant to the presentation of processes which are defined throughsequential stages as generally is the case in the learning of new curricular subjects. Besidesthis constant updating of training in the new graphic resources available to and inwidespread and frequent use in professions in the fields of engineering or architecture, theschool should also adapt its teaching activities to the new tools of visual communication. Infact, today, in practical subjects a variety of engineering software is used, but this requiresskills and knowledge to develop economical and feasible solutions.Educational institutions can use communication technology to access information, as a formof collaboration and communication with teachers, or as a tool for conveying educationalcontents, as well as a means of online teaching. A communication platform allowsparticipants to exchange information about specific domains and interact and learncooperatively, therefore, an aspect that must be improved is the preparation of didacticmaterials to support teaching (Gomes & Caldeira, 2004).Today, 3D models and VR technology are used in engineering schools to aid both thelecturers and students. They offer students the opportunity to visualize the engineeringconcepts they learn in the classroom. Gibbon, in Electrical Engineering, uses laboratoriescontaining operational amplifiers and a resonant circuit, based in 3D modelling tools inorder to achieve a better understanding of circuit issues presented in formal lectures(Gibbon, 2008). Other examples of computer simulation and VR projects supporting theteaching of engineering students are remote physics experiments (Ozvoldova et al., 2006),simulation control testing (Su et al., 2006) and virtual laboratories (Safigianni & Pournaras,2008).Techniques of 3D modelling and VR were applied to the development of models related tothe construction process. The 3D models created to support rehabilitation design emerge asan important tool for the monitoring of anomalies in structures and to assist decisions basedon the visual analyses of alternative solutions. Didactic interactive models showing construction works were also developed. These applications allow the visual simulation ofthe physical progression of each type of work and also assist in the study of the necessaryequipment needed and how it functions on site. The introduction of CAD and VRtechniques in school is helpful to students in order to prepare them to consider thesetechnologies as important supports, later in their professional practice.The aim of the practical application of the didactic virtual models is to provide support inCivil Engineering education namely in those disciplines relating to drawing, bridges andconstruction process both in classroom-based education and in distance learning based one-learning technology. Engineering construction work models were created, from which itwas possible to obtain 3D models corresponding to different states of their shape,simulating distinct stages of the carrying out processes. In order to create models, whichcould visually simulate the progressive sequence of the process and allowing interact withit, techniques of virtual reality were used. Virtual instruments could complete or replace theexperimental part in various cases. These applications allow users to conduct process andpresent briefly fundamental theory of the phenomena or provide full informationconcerning the experiments. So, the educational virtual experiments must be well framed inthe lesson context.In addition VR technology was applied on the development of a model concerning themanagement of lighting systems in buildings. It allows the visual and interactivetransmission of information related to the physical behaviour of the elements, defined as afunction of the time variable. The model was created by students involved in a researchproject. This kind of work gives the student capacities to develop, after in there professionalactivity, software that can help them to resolve engineering problems using the VRtechnology. That’s a new tool that they know how to use.




Z., A., O., C., & P., O. (2010). Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works. In Virtual Reality. InTech. https://doi.org/10.5772/12996

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