Ewes with lambs, and does with kids, were grazed together or separately at two stocking rates on irrigated perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) pastures over three seasons (October—March). At both stocking rates, mixed grazing in a 1: 1 ratio produced lambs that were 2-3 kg heavier at weaning than those from a sheep-only system (P < 0.05) and lambs and ewes that were 4-6 kg heavier in March (P < 0.05). Does and kids grazed with sheep at the lower stocking rate, grew at the same rate as those grazed separately, but at the higher stocking rate, mixed-grazed does were 3-4 kg lighter. Fibre yields of sheep and goats were not significantly affected by mixed or separate grazing. Productivity per ha was greatest under high stocking. “Goat only” pastures were always the tallest and in summer had the most herbage mass and white clover. Stocking rate affected height and herbage mass but not botanical composition. © 1991 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Radcliffe, J. E., Townsend, R. J., & Baird, D. B. (1991). Mixed and separate grazing of sheep and goats at two stocking rates. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 34(2), 167–176. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.1991.10423356
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