Internet of Things Applications: Challenges and Opportunties

  • Song, Zhenyu; Lazarescu, Mihai T.; Tomasi, Riccardo; Lavagno, Luciano; Spirito M
ISSN: 00368733
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Foreshadowing ‘the Future Internet’, the implementation of the Internet of Things will help to meet a considerable number of current challenges such as an ageing society, deforestation or CO2 emissions through the development in particular of health monitoring systems, connected trees and cars. The interconnection of physical objects will generate a genuine paradigm shift for society.




Song, Zhenyu; Lazarescu, Mihai T.; Tomasi, Riccardo; Lavagno, Luciano; Spirito, M. a. (2014). Internet of Things Applications: Challenges and Opportunties. Internet of Things (pp. 75–109).

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