ABSTRAK Film Opera Jawa karya Garin Nugroho mencoba memadukan berbagai bidang dan genre seni di dalamnya. Melalui kolaborasi dengan sejumlah maestro seni, mulai dari seni vokal dan musik Jawa, seni kostum, seni tari, sampai dengan seni instalasi yang digarap oleh para perupa seperti Entang Wiharso, Nindityo Adipurnomo, dan kawan-kawan, boleh dikatakan bahwa Opera Jawa merupakan sebuah fi lm yang sangat peduli akan visualitas. Berdasarkan pada pembacaan semiotis atas karya-karya instalasi ini di dalam konteks adegan-adegan yang terkait, dapat diketahui bahwa signifi kasi karya-karya instalasi ini pada tataran pesan simbolik telah mengedepankan konotator-konotator utama yang berupa fi gur-fi gur retorik seperti metafora, metonimi, simbol, dan personifi kasi; sementara pada dimensi ideologisnya pun tersingkap beberapa petanda konotatif utama yang sangat signifikan perannya bagi proses pemahaman atas film ini. Kata kunci: seni instalasi, signifi kasi, retorik, ideologi. ABSTRACT The rhetorical and ideological meaning of the installation works in Opera Jawa Film by Garin Nugroho. Opera Jawa fi lm by Garin Nugroho tries to combine many kinds of art fi eld and its genre. The collaborative project carried out by some arts maestros - from the singing art and Javanese music, fashion, and the dancing art, to the installation art which was carried out by some artists, such as Entang Wiharso, Nindito Adipurnomo, and friends – could give the most signifi cant effect to Opera Jawa which pays more attention to visualization. Based on the semiotic reading to the installation works in the contexts of interrelated scenes, it can be known that the signifi cance of the installation works on the symbolic of the message level has emphasized the main connotations which consist of the rhetorical fi gures such as: metaphor, metonymy, symbol, and personifi cation. On the other hand, based on the ideological dimension, the main connotative signs which are regarded very signifi cant for the understanding process on this fi lm can be clearly exposed. Keywords: Installation art, rhetoric, Javanese opera.
Budiman, C. (2013). Retorik dan Makna Ideologis Karya Instalasi dalam Film Opera Jawa Garin Nugroho. Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.24821/resital.v14i1.390
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