ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengangkat topik tentang biografi I Gede Geruh serta kontribusinya terhadap kesenian gambuh di Desa Pedungan, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar. Keterlibatan I Gede Geruh dalam dramatari gambuh di Pedungan tidak hanya sebagai seorang penari, melainkan sebagai seorang guru atau pelatih dramatari gambuh dan juga sebagai pengurus dalam sekaa gambuh di Pedungan. Semua ini menunjukkan kebesaran peran dan totalnya keterlibatan I Gede Geruh dalam dramatari gambuh di Pedungan sebagai pengukuh dan pengokoh. Kata pengukuh digunakan untuk memposisikan I Gede Geruh sebagai seorang tokoh yang mempunyai peran penting agar nilai-nilai estetik Gambuh Pedungan tidak sampai berubah. Pengokoh digunakan untuk memposisikan Geruh sebagai seorang figur yang ibarat pilar yang mampu membuat kesenian Gambuh Pedungan tetap eksis ditengah-tengah perubahan nilai sosial dan budaya Bali. Kata pengokoh dimaknai sebagai seorang tokoh yang ibarat tiyang penyangga untuk menjaga “bangunan” sekaa gambuh ini jangan sampai roboh. Kehadiran seniman ini memiliki dampak yang cukup luas terhadap kehidupan kesenian, aktivitas upacara agama dan pembangunan sosial dan budaya di Desa Pedungan ABSTRACT This study raised the subject of the biography I Gede Geruh and its contribution to the gambuh arts in the Pedungan village. In Bali, only a few villages having gambuh art . One village is famous for its gambuh art is Pedungan Village, District of South Denpasar , Denpasar . Historically, Gambuh Pedungan a palace of art which is closely related to Puri and Puri Satria acceleration. It gets protection of the authorities in both the castle. The amount of attention to the gambuh art king at that time led to Gambuh Pedungan grows and flourishes and bears gambuh dancers reliable. One of the gambuh dancers is very famous I Gede Geruh (deceased), a very large contribution to the preservation, development and sustainability Gambuh Pedungan . In his youth he was able to portray all the characters in the pegambuhan art. This research uses qualitative and quantitative data that is widely used in research methods, social sciences and humanities. Source of data used mostly acquired through observation, interviews, literature data and documentation. As analysis, research using biographical theory as the main theory and motivation theory, semiotic theory and aesthetic theory as the supporting theory. This study was also accompanied by the application of some concepts, approaches and frameworks references.Through the application of the theory of biography can be concluded that involvement in Gede Geruh in Pedungan dance drama not only as a dancer, but as a teacher or coach of dance drama gambuh and also as a board member in sekaa gambuh in Pedungan . This shows the greatness of all roles and their total involvement in dance drama of Gede Geruh in Pedungan as people who staunchly and leader. The word is used to position peple who staunchly I Gede Geruh as a character who has an important role that aesthetic values Gambuh Pedungan not to change. Leader used to position Geruh as a figure like a pillar that is able to make art Gambuh Pedungan still exist in the midst of changes in social values and culture. Said leader interpreted as a figures like pillar buffer to keep “building " is not to sekaa gambuh collapsed. The presences of these artists have a wide impact on the lives of art, ritual activity and social and cultural development in the Pedungan Village
Adi Gotama, I. N. W., & Dewi, I. A. G. P. (2019). I GEDE GERUH PRNGUKUH DAN PENGOKOH DRAMATARI GAMBUH DESA PEDUNGAN, KOTA DENPASAR. WIDYANATYA, 1(1), 82–90. https://doi.org/10.32795/widyanatya.v1i1.273
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