Over the last years, flood hazard maps became a crucial element of flood risk management policies. Although this tool was boosted at European level by the Directive 2007/60/ec, in several countries such as Spain, where floods have had an historical rele-vance on societies, its implementation has been previously developed. Thus, the present study describes the main characteristics of both cartography, the primitive Basic Guide-line and the current snczi [National System for Cartography of Flood-Prone Areas, by its acronym in Spanish], in addition, it also analyses their differences, shortcomings and improvement points. Considering these issues, the snczi greatly improves the Basic Guideli-nes results, not only because it increases the number of likely return period studied, but also enhances the methodology, initial data, available cartography and its public accessibility.
López-Martínez, F. (2020). Análisis y evolución de la cartografía de zonas inundables en España, desde un marco jurídico de referencia nacional a uno Europeo. Eure, 46(139), 277–284. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0250-71612020000300277
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