Abstract. Nuclear Medicine is a medical service that uses radioactive for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Nuclear Medicine Services involves radiation workers to operate, both health workers and non-health workers. Radiation exposure received by a worker is not allowed to exceed the dosage limitation. The purpose of this research is to find out the description of radiation exposure in each of the profession and to assess if the radiation exposure is within the dosage limitation or exceeds it. The research design used is cross sectional observational descriptive. This research was conducted on Dr. Hasan Sadikin Central General Hospital, MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi, Dr. Kariadi Central General Hospital, and Dharmais Cancer Hospital with a total sample of 100 people. Data were obtained from each of the hospital's radiation exposure records from 2018-2020. Data were grouped based on the professions and were calculated of its highest value, lowest value, mode, and mean. All professions were then categorized based on the value of their radiation exposures. This research was done after it was granted ethical clearance from the ethic committee. The results showed that in general, radiation exposure of all professions for three periods were low and were within safe boundaries. Cleaning services, nurses, and radiopharmacists received the highest average radiation exposure for three periods. Cleaning services, Nuclear Medicine Doctors, and radiopharmacists received the highest radiation exposure in a period. One cleaning service was in the prohibited exposure category (exceeding NBD) in a period. One Nuclear Medicine Doctor and two radiopharmacists were in the exposure limitation category (exceeding optimized exposure) in a period. Abstrak. Kedokteran Nuklir merupakan pelayanan kedokteran yang menggunakan radioaktif dengan tujuan diagnostik dan terapi. Pelayanan Kedokteran Nuklir melibatkan pekerja radiasi dalam pelaksanaannya, baik tenaga kesehatan maupun tenaga non-kesehatan. Paparan radiasi yang diterima oleh seseorang tidak boleh melampaui batasan nilai dosis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran paparan radiasi pada setiap profesi dan menilai apakah paparan radiasi dalam batas dosis atau melebihi batas dosis. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah memakai observational deskriptif potong lintang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Rumah Sakit MRCCC Siloam Semanggi, Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Kariadi, dan Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais dengan jumlah sampel 100 orang. Data diperoleh dari catatan paparan radiasi yang diambil dari tahun 2018-2020. Data disajikan dalam bentuk berkelompok berdasarkan jenis profesinya kemudian dihitung dari nilai tertinggi, nilai terendah, modus, dan meannya. Setiap profesi lalu digolongkan berdasarkan jumlah paparan radiasinya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan setelah mendapat ethical clearance dari komisi etik penelitian kesehatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, paparan radiasi dalam tiga periode pada setiap profesi rendah dan masih dalam batas aman. Cleaning service, perawat, dan radiofarmasis menerima rata-rata paparan radiasi tertinggi dalam tiga periode. Cleaning Service, Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Nuklir, dan radiofarmasis menerima paparan radiasi tertinggi dalam satu periode. Satu pekerja Cleaning Service termasuk ke kategori paparan larangan (melebihi NBD) dalam satu periode. Satu Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Nuklir dan dua radiofarmasis termasuk ke kategori limitasi paparan (melebihi pembatas dosis) dalam satu periode.
Puspitasari, A., Herri S. Sastramihardja, & Basuki Hidayat. (2023). Identifikasi Paparan Radiasi Antar Pekerja Radiasi Instalasi Kedokteran Nuklir pada Beberapa Rumah Sakit Periode 2018-2020. Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.29313/bcsms.v3i1.6578
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