There are many volcanic rocks in the Rhenish massif, with ages ranging Middle Cretaceous-youngest Pleistocene, based on K/Ar and 14C dating. The oldest post-Permian volcanic rock is in the Wittlich basin and has an age >100 m.y. The main volcanicity of the Rhenish massif occurred in the Hocheifel area from Upper Eocene-Middle Miocene. Volcanic activity in the Siebengebirge, Westerwald and Rhon was Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene; during the Middle Miocene, the Vogelsberg and the northern Hessian volcanic province were active.-J.M.H.
Lippolt, H. J. (1983). Distribution of volcanic activity in space and time. Plateau Uplift: The Rhenish Shield - a Case History, 112–120.
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