There is a growing demand for research to provide insights into challenges, and solutions based on business rules related to target PSM (Platform Specific Model in OMG's MDA terms - Implementation Model). As an answer to this needs, this paper argues on the relevance of business rules target platforms for the actual IT and business context, emphazising the important role of business rules inter-operability initiatives, so that rule-system developers can do their work without concern about a vendor-specific format and in particular without concern about the compatibility between the technologies. This paper provides a description of the business rules translation from a particular rule-system such as JBoss Rules to another rule-system representation as Jess, using R2ML as interchange language. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Nicolae, O., Giurca, A., & Wagner, G. (2008). On interchange between JBoss rules and jess. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (Vol. 78, pp. 135–144).
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