Clinical and serological evolution in chronic Chagas disease patients in a 4-year pharmacotherapy follow-up: A preliminary study

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Introduction: The role of trypanocidal therapy in the chronic phase of Chagas disease remains controversial. Methods: A total of 13 patients with chronic Chagas disease were treated with benznidazole (5mg/kg/day/60 days) and surveyed via antibody measurement and conventional electrocardiogram over the course of 4 years. Results: The antibody titers were significantly reduced after 4 years (p<0.05). Most of the patients showed maintenance of the initial clinical picture (electrocardiographic), with the exception of 4 cases. Conclusions: Although trypanocidal therapy in the chronic phase of Chagas disease was of limited effectiveness, we believe that it is beneficial in treating these patients.




Andrade, M. C., Oliveira, M. de F., Nagao-Dias, A. T., Coêlho, I. C. B., Cândido, D. da S., Freitas, E. C., … Bezerra, F. S. M. (2013). Clinical and serological evolution in chronic Chagas disease patients in a 4-year pharmacotherapy follow-up: A preliminary study. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 46(6), 776–778.

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