The Effect of Academic Portal Use of Lecturer’s Performance

  • et al.
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In this quantitative paper we determined the effect of the academic portal on the performance of Curriculum IAIN lecturers. The populations in this study were 43 lecturers who are functional expert assistants at IAIN Curup who have taught in the second semester of the 2016/2017. Data were collected using interviews and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Likert scale, the percentage (%) and regression analysis. The results found (1) Lecturers still do not use academic portals in terms of giving lecture announcements, giving lecture assignments, conducting online discussions, inputting class agendas and sharing files and sources of information; (2) Lecturers only use academic portals to fill student presence, approve form of study plan, and input grades; and (3) There is a need to improve services in the implementation of academic portals both in terms of networks and facilities.




Istan*, M. … Hamengkubuwono. (2020). The Effect of Academic Portal Use of Lecturer’s Performance. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 305–310.

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