MTT based L-aminoacid oxidase activity test for determination of antivenom potency against Vipera ammodytes envenomation

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The MTT assay is routinely used to detect the activity of living cells. While working with Vipera ammodytes venom we detected the reduction of MTT without the presence of cells, in a concentration-dependent manner. By combining non-reducing PAGE, L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO) assays, and standard MTT assays, we established and confirmed that venom MTT reduction is catalyzed by only one enzyme, the LAAO. Even though it was previously known that the dimeric and tetrameric forms of LAAO are active, we conclude that the enzyme is also active in the monomeric form. Our results have led to the definition of a new MTT assay in a microtiter plate for in vitro testing of svLAAO activity i.e. from the venom of the V. ammodytes snake. Potentially, this method can be used for testing hemorrhagic venoms of other snakes as well as the LAAO neutralization capability of appropriate antivenoms.




Milovanovic, V., Minic, R., Vakic, J., Ivanovic, S., Cupic, V., Borozan, S., … Zivkovic, I. (2021). MTT based L-aminoacid oxidase activity test for determination of antivenom potency against Vipera ammodytes envenomation. Toxicon, 192, 57–65.

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