Explaining multidimensional Facebook benefits: A task-technology fit approach

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Facebook has emerged as the most popular Social Network Site (SNS). The literature has studied extensively the factors that explain Facebook usage. Despite this, not equal attention has been devoted to explaining the benefits of this SNS. The few studies have considered impacts as one-dimensional; however, the literature shows that benefits could be conceptualized as a multidimensional construct. Besides, little is known about using the Task-Technology Fit model (TTF) to assess Facebook. In addressing this gap, this study aims to develop and empirically test a model that explains Facebook benefits in a multiple-way using a task-technology fit approach. Data collected from 240 Facebook users, analyzed using partial least squares technique (PLS). The results support the model empirically. This research integrates benefits, use, and task-technology fit into a single model to provide a more comprehensive perspective. Also, a multidimensional view allows us to consider both utilitarian and hedonic benefits as dimensions of value that can spawn greater continued use.




Bravo, E. R., & Bayona, H. A. (2020). Explaining multidimensional Facebook benefits: A task-technology fit approach. In Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Vol. 2020-January, pp. 4474–4482). IEEE Computer Society. https://doi.org/10.24251/hicss.2020.547

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