The digital low drop-out regulator (LDO) has been used widely in digital circuits for its low supply voltage characteristics. However, as the traditional digital LDOs regulate the output voltage code at a rate of 1 bit per clock cycle, the transient response speed is limited. This paper presents a digital LDO to improve transient response speed with a multi-bit conversion technique. The proposed technology uses a voltage sensor and a time-to-digital converter to convert the output voltage to digital codes. Based on a 65-nm CMOS process, the proposed DLDO reduces the settling time from 147.8 ns to 25.2 ns on average and the response speed is improved by about six times.
Zhang, H., Wan, P., Geng, J., Liu, Z., & Chen, Z. (2020). A fast transient response digital LDO with a TDC-based signal converter. Electronics (Switzerland), 9(1).
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