Factors Affecting Farmers in the Sale of Harvest Grain to Brokers In Lajuk Village, Gondangwetan District, Pasuruan Regency. Most of the people in Lajuk Village, Gondangwetan District are mostly farmers. In doing its activities as a farmer, always depends on the middleman to facilitate his farming. The purpose of this study is to determine the variables that affect the decision of the sale of grain to the middleman, that is, the production of Rice, Price Differences, Family Needs. While the method used is the method of interviews and questionnaires. Sampling used was purposed random sampling (purposive random sampling) The sample used was 34 respondents with the result of research that is rice production, price difference, and family need with Ftabel = 2,92 and Fhitung 23,301 hence there is influence together to the sale of grain to middlemen. However, partially variable price differences negatively affect the sale of grain to middlemen. While the most influential variable stimuli to the sale of grain to the middlemen are rice production variables, X1 = 3.285, variable price differences, X2 = -0.654, and variable needs family, X3 = 2,531.
Suryadi, T., Fangohoi, L., & Tuahuns, D. (2016). FACTORS WHICH AFFECTING FARMERS IN SALES THE HARVEST PADDY TO THE MIDDLEMEN IN LAJUK VILLAGE, GONDANGWETAN, PASURUAN. AGRIEKSTENSIA, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.34145/agriekstensia.v16i2.154
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