This paper aims to study the drying of industrial hollow bricks in a tunnel dryer cross flow type. The theoretical model is based on mass and energy conservation equations applied to air and product. To validate the methodology, numerical and experimental results for the moisture content and the temperature of brick during the drying in an industrial scale are compared and a good correlation was obtained. Results of moisture content and temperature of the product, and temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity of drying air as a function of drying time and position in the dryer are presented and analyzed.
De Souza Tavares, F., De Farias Neto, S., Barbosa, E., De Lima, A., & E Silva, C. (2014). Drying of Ceramic Hollow Bricks in an Industrial Tunnel Dryer: A Finite Volume Analysis. International Journal of Multiphysics, 8(3), 297–311.
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