Mobile Sink Based Data Assemblage in Wireless Sensor Networks

  • et al.
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A mobile sink, which is used to fetch data from various sensors to prevent the energy-hole problem or hotspot in WSN. To avoid the delay sustained by calling on the sensors a mobile sink is allowed to visit which is called as meeting points and the remaining nodes deliver their data to nearest rendezvous point. The improvement of sink’s data collecting method as well as the maximization of lifespan of the network is done by discovering a most favorable set of meeting points. However, it is very difficult to discover the assigned meeting points and moving way of mobile sink when the sensor produces data roughly. We propose an ultra-modern ACO based mobile sink data gathering in WSN. The important aims of the suggested algorithm are to elongate the existence of network and to reduce the delay in fetching data from sensor nodes. The algorithm also follows to again select the rendezvous points in order to stable the energy utilization of the sensor nodes.




Nesakumar A*, D., Kumar, M. D. N., … Mugilan, P. (2019). Mobile Sink Based Data Assemblage in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 5543–5550.

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