Pseudaeginella montoucheti (Quitete, 1971) is redescribed based on newly collected specimens from red and brown algae and tubiculous polychaete colony that were obtained from shallow waters at Tamboretes Archipelago, Balneário Barra do Sul and Sepultura Beach, Bombinhas, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Of 10 species of Pseudaeginella so far reported, P. montoucheti is closest to P. sanctipauli Laubitz, 1995, but difers from the latter by having more numerous body spines including ventro-lateral ones over gills on pereonites 3 and 4, and the antenna 1 length measuring half body length. An identifcation key for Pseu-daeginella species and a checklist of Caprellidea occurring along the Brazilian coasts are also presented. © M.B. Lacerda et al.
Lacerda, M. B., Takeuchi, I., & Masunari, S. (2011). Redescription of the rare amphipod crustacean Pseudaeginella montoucheti (Quitete, 1971) from Brazil. ZooKeys, 146, 1–17.
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