The research presented in this paper was aimed at better understanding of the relationship between soil properties and the availability of trace elements in pasture soils. The research was conducted in several localities of Stara Planina mountain (Babin zub, Javor I, Javor II and Prelesje), where the dominant soil type is acid humus siliceous soil (Dystric leptosol) characterized by the presence of the Agrostietumvulgaris (capillaris) community Z. Pavl., 1955. In all localities the soil sampling was performed at fixed depths of 0-5, 5-10, 10 -20 and 20 - 40 cm. The pseudo-total contents of trace elements (Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn) (extracted with aqua regia solution), as well as the available contents (extracted with the DTPA chelating agent) in the soil were measured by AAS. The pseudo- total content of trace elements in the soil studied are lower or within the limits for multifunctional land use. A correlation was established between the content of available trace elements in soil and the content of pseudo-total trace elements, as well as between these contents and the properties of the soils studied.U ovom radu proucavanja su imala za cilj bolje razumevanje veze izmedju svojstava zemljista i pristupacnosti mikroelemenata u zemljistu pod pasnjacima. Proucavanja su vrsena na lokalitetima Stare planine (Babin zub, Javor I, Javor II, i Prelesje) gde je dominantan tip zemljista kiselo humusno-silikatno zemljiste (Dystricleptosol), a na kojima se pojavljuje zajednica Agrostietumvulgaris (capillaris) Z. Pavl. 1955. Na svim lokalitetima zemljiste je uzorkovano na fiksnim dubinama: 0-5, 5-10, 10 -20 i 20 - 40 cm. Pseudoukupni (ekstrakt rastvor aquaregia) sadrzaji mikroelementa (Pb, Cd, Cu i Zn), kao i pristupacni sadrzaji (ekstrakt DTPA helatnog agensa) u zemljistu mereni su AAS. Sadrzaji pseudoukupnih mikroelemenata u proucavanom zemljistu su nizi ili u granicama za multifunkcionalno koriscenje zemljista. Utvrdjena je veza izmedju sadrzaja pristupacnih mikroelemenata u zemljistu i sadrzaja pseudoukupnih mikroelemenata, kao i njihova korelacija ovih sadrzaja sa svojstvima proucavanih zemljista.
Belanovic, S., Cakmak, D., Kadovic, R., Beloica, J., Perovic, V., Alnaass, N., & Saljnikov, E. (2012). Availability of some trace elements (Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn) in relation to the properties of pasture soils in Stara Planina mountain. Glasnik Sumarskog Fakulteta, (106), 41–56.
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