Background Participation in regular physical activity improvesaerobic fitness and well-being. For people with asthma the benefitsalso include reduced hospital admissions, absenteeism, medicationuse, and improved ability to cope with the disease. However,although people with asthma can exercise safely, children and youngpeople with asthma are less likely to be physically active thantheir peers. Integrating the principles of user-centred design andthe MRC Framework for Complex interventions a theoretically-informedinteractive animation was developed to encourage young people aged12-18 years with asthma to engage in physical activity. Methods Amixed-methods two stage approach was used. In stage 1 a user group(young people with asthma, parents, health professionals) usedonline consultation and discussion methods to inform the developmentof the intervention in a highly iterative manner (modelling). Thetheoretical basis for the intervention was then refined andconverted into a 3D animation with accompanying action plan andvolitional help sheet. In stage 2 a web-based Interactive ModellingExperiment evaluated effectiveness in three key areas: knowledgeabout asthma, inhaler use, and intention to increase physicalactivity. One-to-one interviews and focus groups were used toevaluate the acceptability of the animation and whether thetheoretical basis was effective. Results Twenty three people wererecruited to the user group. Facilitated by multiple onlineconsultation methods the group was highly engaged throughout.Fifty-three individuals were randomised online to receive theintervention or control; 26 completed follow-up questionnaires(49%). The pilot online experiment supported the evidence base forthe intervention but demonstrated that recruitment methods and lossto follow-up need addressed before a future trial. Though notpowered to detect an effect on intentions and behaviour, the studyrevealed an impact on intentions to be active (increase) and on safeinhaler use (decrease). Qualitative feedback was positive across allgroups, the intervention being well received and regarded asunderstandable, meaningful, engaging and potentially very usefulwithin an asthma review. Conclusion We have developed a highquality, two part intervention regarded as meaningful, acceptableand potentially useful. Future work is needed to establish whetheracceptability levels and perceived effectiveness translate intobehaviour change.
Hoskins, G., Williams, B., Murray, J., Skar, S., McGhee, J., Gauld, D., … Hagen, S. (2014). P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma? Thorax, 69(Suppl 2), A125–A125.
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