2MASSW J0149090]295613 (hereafter 2M0149) is unique among the very late M/L dwarf counter-parts to Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) point sources in having shown, in the Ðrst set of spectra taken on 1997 December 7, a diverse emission-line spectrum at red wavelengths, which features an Ha equivalent width of 300 On four repeat observations, however, the spectrum was that of a more ordi-A . nary dMe object, albeit with a late spectral type of M9.5 V. Our interpretation is that the object under-went an extreme magnetic Ñare event. The continuum Ñux at the short-wavelength end of the spectrum was also several times stronger during the apparent Ñare than in quiescence. Comparison is made with midtype M dwarfs of higher mass that have undergone strong Ñares, and with another known M9.5 emission-line object PC 0025]0047. The 2MASS object adds to the evidence that magnetic dynamo eruptions may release more energy relative to as the stellar mass decreases ; if the total Ñare lumi-L bol nosity scales with Ha in the same way as a well-observed event of the middle M dwarf AD Leo, 2M0149 may have had a Ñare luminosity that approached or exceeded its quiescent during the brief impulse L bol phase. In contrast, its quiescent state shows an unremarkable level of chromospheric activity, which leads us to question whether it is unique at all ; rather, it may be that many of the ultracool M and L dwarfs found by the Deep Near-Infrared Survey (DENIS) and 2MASS undergo similar Ñares.
Liebert, J., Kirkpatrick, J. D., Reid, I. N., & Fisher, M. D. (1999). A 2MASS Ultracool M Dwarf Observed in a Spectacular Flare. The Astrophysical Journal, 519(1), 345–353. https://doi.org/10.1086/307349
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