This time we start with several papers regarding the new wave of the Digital Era and the ICT Revolution, starting with the general Framework of Global and Remote Communication that represents on the context of an expanding Globalization the way we are opening to a new world with great opportunities, but that also brings some risks like the Moral Challenges of the advanced technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution, that hopefully may be overcome in the 5th Industrial Revolution with the kind of Society 5.0 that is emerging in Japan. Moreover, advances in the Digital Era may also foster citizenship development as shown in the next paper; but at the same time represent a challenge regarding professional skills needed in particular for startups that are growing rapidly in number and size everywhere; so this is context of the next paper. Next paper is a study on the Quality of Life at work based on Leadership Models that in particular shows the positive impacts of a more Participatory Leadership. Next paper shows, through a survey of 396 companies in Brazil, that only a small number of organizations deal with the process of retaining professionals identified as potential successors that no doubt could be very relevant for the organization. Regarding Human Resources next paper is a study based on a Semantic Analysis about possibilities that are opening already, at the recruitment and selection process, by using Artificial Intelligence. Next paper seeks to find relationships between motivation and engagement and project management by means of a bibliometric analysis. For this purpose, was performed a cluster analysis of 529 articles using VOXviewer indicated that motivation in projects is strongly linked to professional development and growth, with increased interest in sustainability and in the relationship with stakeholders represented by the internal and external community of projects; and regarding Organizational Culture next paper shows, through a survey of 109 Organizations in Brazil, the importance of integrating Cultural Diversity in Organizations that may not only help to improve social conditions but also lead to recruiting better talents and leads to greater customer orientation, greater employee satisfaction and better decision making representing a win-win strategy. Still regarding Organizational Culture, and based on Quinn and Rohrbaugh’s model, next paper focus impacts on Competitive Strategy in the Banking Segment following Quinn and McGrath approach. Next paper is a statistical study regarding Fidelity in the Physical Fitness Business, using Logistic Regression and unidirectional ANOVA, that surprisingly show that frequency of use was the most relevant variable related to customer retention, rather than price and membership length. Today’s economic impacts of COVID-!9 is leading Public Policies in Governments like Brazil to drastically reduce Investments in Science and Technology that may end up decreasing the Human Development Index – HDI, as shown by next paper based on a previous study of the performance indicators in Science, Technology and Innovation CT&I in 14 countries including some like Brazil. Today, 55% of the world's population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050; as a matter of fact by 2050, two-thirds of all humanity will live in urban areas; and higher changes have actually been in Latin America and the Caribbean with 81.2% of the population already living in urban areas, up from 41.3% in 1950. Hence particularly in these regions sustainable development will become fundamental for the management of cities, so next paper dealing with a small city in southern Brazil may be helping as Best Practice Case. The city was able, through Team Works, to developed a Municipal Goals Plan based on the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG and in less than 4 years (2017-2020) 90% of which were reached through Work Teams driven basically by: The engagement of those responsible for2RISUS – Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, São Paulo, v. 12, n.2, p. 1-3, abr./mai. 2021 - ISSN 2179-3565Administrative Management, The importance of planning, at both strategic and operational levels, and the commitment of the teams in the execution of the actions. Actually, Brazil for some time has being already counting with an Open Sustainable Cities Program that help cities to develop its own strategies accordingly. Next paper is a survey of 48 companies in Brazil that using Crunchbase and Iramuteq technologies found three classes of business blockchain impact on Business models: A distributed value structure, a governance structure and an application structure aimed at encrypted and tokens. Next paper coming from Ukraine shows an approach for modelling a System of Balanced Criteria of Business Process Management (BPM), focused on large data volumes with a basic processes implemented using the cloud computing service — math.semestr, that may be promising in terms of automation of business process management. Last paper comes from Malaysia and deals with a trial on Home Buyers´ Willingness to Pay (WTP), using an on-line survey constructed using the LMA design tool provided in the ‘support.CEs’ package that showed that even a small and diversified sample of 20 respondents dealing with home buyer preferences for sustainable housing and analyzed using the package’s clogit function may give some results even for the measurement of a higher number of variables.
Guevara, A. J. de H. (2021). EDITORIAL AND INDEX. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS, 12(2), 1–3.
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