Bacteria in goat meat: Biological danger

  • Ivanovic S
  • Pavlovic I
  • Zujovic M
  • et al.
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In the world, especially in China, India, P?kist?n and Nigeria goat meat represents an important foodstuff in nutrition of people. Goat meat is being increasingly consumed in Serbia owing to its distinctive taste and desirable chemical composition. As many other types of meat, goat meat can be the source of pathogenic bacteria. Bacteria can find their way into meat of healthy goats or goats with no clinical symptoms premortally (infection) or postmortally (contamination). For these reasons EU has included in its programme of monitoring zoonosis and zoonotic agents? microbiological pathogens which cause the majority of alimentary diseases in humans today. Among them, Campylobacter and Salmonella cause by far the largest number of infections in humans and followed by Listeria monocytogenes.U meso zdravih koza bakterije mogu dospeti premortalno (infekcija) ili postmortalno (kontaminacija). Najveci broj infekcija ljudi izazivaju Campylobacter i Salmonella, a potom Listeria monocytogenes. Salmonella spp. moze izazvati oboljenje i kod zivotinja i kod ljudi. Kod koza, najistaknutiji klinicki znak je abortus. Campylobacter spp. a narocito vrsta Campylobacter jejuni je uzrocnik gastroenteritisa sirom sveta, kako kod ljudi tako i kod zivotinja. Listeria monocytogenes je patogena za veliki broj razlicitih vrsta zivotinja kao i za ljude bez posebnih specificnosti za domacina. Kod koza, listerioza se obicno javlja posle konzumiranja kontaminirane silaze ili druge hrane. Listeria moze uzrokovati encefalitis, abortus i septikemiju kod ovaca, goveda i koza ali i kod zena. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31053: Implementation of new biotechnological solutions in breeding of cattle, sheep and goats for the purpose of obtaining biologically valuable and safe food




Ivanovic, S., Pavlovic, I., Zujovic, M., Tomic, Z., & Memisi, N. (2011). Bacteria in goat meat: Biological danger. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 27(3), 1185–1192.

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