Abstract: The Norm of Exclusion in Article 8 of the Draft on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages (Analysis of the Islamic Criminal Law and The Science of Legislation). This article aims to analyze the exclusion norm in article 8 of the Draft ban on alcoholic beverages, for limited interest reasons that include: (a) customary interests, (b) religious rituals, (c) tourists, (d) pharmaceuticals, and (e) places permitted by law. In principle, the exclusion of the ban on alcoholic beverages remains contrary to the norms of Islamic law because the prohibition of alcoholic beverages is already the right of Allah Almighty. Therefore, those who consume alcoholic beverages remain illegally punished. However, for the sake of greater welfare by adhering to the principle of emergency and sadd al-dzarî’ah, the action of the country that gives space to allow the limited places of sale of alcoholic beverages is considered true by fiqh. Nevertheless, in the context of the development of a dignified national law, this exclusionary provision should not be reserved for Muslim citizens, and for citizens other than Muslims may be adapted to their respective religious law. Specializing in the legal arrangement in theory of statutory sciences may be made by including additional norms in paragraphs or on the provisions of exclusionary explanations in article 8 of the Draft on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages.
Fauzan, F., & Umar, N. (2018). Norma Pengecualian dalam Pasal 8 Rancangan Undang-Undang Larangan Minuman Beralkohol (Analisis Fikih Jinayah dan Ilmu Perundang-Undangan). MADANIA: JURNAL KAJIAN KEISLAMAN, 22(1), 131. https://doi.org/10.29300/madania.v22i1.918
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