In criminal law theory the term repetition of a criminal act (recidive) is known. In the Criminal Code of Indonesia, recidive is a reason to increase the punishment for criminal offenders, in addition to the criminal act, the position as a civil servant and the crime of using a state flag. The concept of criminal prosecution is inseparable from the purpose of punishment itself, in general. However, the regulation in the Criminal Code of Indonesia is considered to be too complicated to make improvements. Unfortunately the Criminal Code Bill is still in the process of maturation and certainly has not been promulgated. The concept of punishment is also known in Islamic criminal law as ‘aud. This paper aims to compare the recidive concept and the ‘aud. From this study, it was concluded that first, from the aspect of equality in principle, both of them have more or less the same principles, namely: (1) the perpetrators of criminal acts must be punished based on a court decision that has permanent legal force, (2) if the criminal offender repeats the criminal act then the sentence against it can be aggravated. Second, from the aspect of the difference, for criminal offenders who have become "accustomed" to committing crimes, there is no longer a feeling of guilt when committing crimes, according to Islamic Criminal Law, perpetrators must be eliminated from people's lives with two punishment options: death sentence or imprisonment lifetime. While in positive criminal law, the provisions that apply are not always the case. However, because the principle of punishment for the ‘aud basically uses the principle of Jarimah Ta’zir, then Ulil Amri can regulate differently, according to the principle of the goal of punishment itself. Abstrak: Pengulangan tindak pidana atau recidive dalam KUHP merupakan alasan untuk memperberat hukuman bagi pelaku tindak pidana. Namun dalam pengaturannya di dalam KUHP dianggap terlalu rumit hingga perlu diadakan penyempurnaan, sedangkan R-KUHP masih terus dalam proses pematangan. Konsep pemberatan hukuman ini juga dikenal dalam hukum pidana islam dengan istilah ‘aud. Tulisan ini bertujuan membandingkan antara konsep recidive dan ‘aud tersebut. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini adalah bahwa pertama, dari aspek persamaan, keduanya memiliki prinsip yang hamper sama, yaitu: (1) pelaku tindak pidana harus dihukum berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, (2) apabila pelaku tindak pidana mengulangi perbuatannya maka hukumannya dapat diperberat. Kedua, dari aspek perbedaannya, untuk pelaku tindak pidana yang “telah menjadi terbiasa” berbuat pidana, menurut Hukum Pidana Islam, pelaku harus dieliminasi dari kehidupan masyarakat dengan dua opsi hukuman: hukuman mati atau penjara seumur hidup. Sedangkan dalam hukum pidana positif, ketentuan yang diberlakukan tidak selalu demikian. Namun demikian, karena prinsip pemidanaan atas ‘aud menggunakan prinsip jarimah ta’zir, maka ulil amri dapat mengatur berbeda sesuai dengan prinsip dari tujuan pemidanaan itu sendiri.
Azhar, H. (2019). Pemberatan Pidana terdahap Residivis dalam Pandangan Hukum Pidana Islam. Al-Jinayah Jurnal Hukum Pidana Islam, 5(2), 381–405.
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