Now a days each and every electronic gadget is designing smartly and provides number of applications, so these designs dissipate high amount of power. Reversible logic is becoming one of the best emerging design technologies having its applications in low power CMOS, Quantum computing and Nanotechnology. Reversible logic plays an important role in the design of energy efficient circuits. Adders and subtractors are the essential blocks of the computing systems. In this paper, reversible gates and circuits are designed and implemented in CMOS and pass transistor logic using Mentor graphics backend tools. A four-bit ripple carry adder/subtractor and an eight-bit reversible Carry Skip Adder are implemented and compared with the conventional circuits.
K, P. R., & Y, S. (2014). Transistor Level Implementation of Digital Reversible Circuits. International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems, 5(6), 43–61.
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