The Platform Adoption Model (PAM): A Theoretical Framework to Address Barriers to Educational Networking

  • Branley-Bell D
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Social networking platforms are widely adopted as a social tool in everyday life. Research has identified that networking platforms may also bring many benefits when used in an educational environment. For instance, educational networking may lead to enhanced communication skills; increased teamwork and collaboration; greater comprehension of alternative viewpoints; improved creativity, productivity, and work efficiency; and increased learning speed. However, uptake of educational networking has been slower than expected, and there is an absence of theoretical models or frameworks to help understand and address this. The aim of this chapter is threefold: firstly, to provide a comprehensive overview of the current body of knowledge, identifying and collating barriers toward educational networking adoption and increased usage; secondly, to identify key theories of behavior change relevant to educational networking uptake; and thirdly, to build a comprehensive model and framework for overcoming the identified barriers and improving the contribution of educational networking platforms. This chapter achieves this by drawing upon four of the leading behavioral theories from psychology, computer science, and behavioral economics (theory of planned behavior, technology acceptance model, information system success model, and protection motivation theory) to build the platform adoption model. The model provides a theory-driven basis for future research that will be beneficial within academia and the wider audience, e.g., developers, educators, and learning establishments.




Branley-Bell, D. B. (2020). The Platform Adoption Model (PAM): A Theoretical Framework to Address Barriers to Educational Networking (pp. 133–157).

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