Respiratory and cardiovascular function at rest and during exercise testing in a healthy working population: Effects of outdoor traffic air pollution

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Background. There is controversy regarding long-term adverse effects of urban pollutants in urban workers. Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of urban pollutants on respiratory and cardiovascular function in exposed traffic policemen compared to a control group. Methods. Sixty-eight traffic policemen and 62 controls (all male) were investigated at rest and during symptom-limited incremental exercise test (performed with a cycle ergometer). The data were statistically evaluated. Results. There were no significant differences in the mean values of resting ventilatory capacity, the forced spirometric test, or in blood gas parameters between the groups. The traffic exposed group demonstrated a number of significant changes in cardiorespiratory measures on exercise testing. Twenty-six traffic policemen and none of the controls experienced exercise-induced ECG abnormalities, hypertension or oxyhaemoglobin desaturation; 80% of the 26 had resting PaO2 values <80 mmHg. Conclusion. The findings suggest that chronic occupational exposure to urban pollutants reduces resistance to physical effort and increases the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory changes including slight hypoxemia. © Society of Occupational Medicine 2004; all rights reserved.




Volpino, P., Tomei, F., La Valle, C., Tomao, E., Rosati, M. V., Ciarrocca, M., … Fedele, F. (2004). Respiratory and cardiovascular function at rest and during exercise testing in a healthy working population: Effects of outdoor traffic air pollution. Occupational Medicine, 54(7), 475–482.

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