Enhancing the Security in ElGamal Cryptosystem using Paring Functions

  • K* M
  • et al.
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The potential disadvantage of ElGamal cryptosystem is the ciphertext produced is always twice as long as the plaintext i.e., the message expansion by a factor of two takes place during encryption. When the message is too long the ciphertext produced by the ElGamal cryptosystem is also too long. i.e., when the ciphertexts are transmitted through the communication channel which lead to provide less security because if anyone of the ciphertext from two ciphertexts for each character of the plaintext is intercepted by the adversary, the other may be retrieved easily because there is a relationship between the two ciphertexts. If two ciphertexts are reduced to one, the adversary may not be able to predict the two ciphertexts from one. To enhance the security of ElGamal cryptosystem, the binary Cantor function , Rosenberg pairing function and Elegant pairing functions are used in this paper. When the said functions are used, the two ciphertexts produced by each plaintext character are reduced to one, so that the adversary cannot easily be recovered the plaintext. Experimental results clearly revealed enhancing the security of ElGamal cryptosystem after incorporating the pairing functions into it.




K*, Mani., & Begam A., B. (2020). Enhancing the Security in ElGamal Cryptosystem using Paring Functions. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 4(9), 2922–2928. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.d1921.029420

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