We show that the first-passage times of first-passage percolation on ℤ2 are such that P(θ0n n(μ+e{open})) decay geometrically as n→∞, where θ may represent any of the four usual first-passage-time processes. The former estimate requires no moment condition on the time coordinates, but there exists a geometrically-decaying estimate for the latter quantity if and only if the time coordinate distribution has finite moment generating function near the origin. Here, μ is the time constant and e{open}>0. We study the line-to-line first-passage times and describe applications to the maximum network flow through a randomly-capacitated subsection of ℤ2, and to the asymptotic behaviour of the electrical resistance of a subsection of ℤ2 when the edges of the subsection are wires in an electrical network with random resistances. In the latter case we show, for example, that if each edge-resistance equals 1 or ∞ ohms with probabilities p and 1-p respectively, then the effective resistance Rn across opposite faces of an n by n box satisfies the following: (a) if p<1/2 then P(Rn=∞)→1 as n→∞, (b) if p>1/2 then there exists ν(p)
Grimmett, G., & Kesten, H. (1984). First-passage percolation, network flows and electrical resistances. Zeitschrift Für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Verwandte Gebiete, 66(3), 335–366. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00533701
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